Stubborn blackheads are almost impossible to beat. Those deep, clogged pores that seem to just fill up as soon as they are rid are simply painful for everyone. Not only do they look gross but they make you feel just as gross too. |Let’s be honest, anyone with blackheads knows just how hard it can be to get the appearance of them gone and to shrink those specific pores. Being a genetic feature it is often challenging to pick facewashes or use specific products in fear of creating more or simply irritating the skin. Well here are some blackheads soothing solutions that will have them looking better in no time.

Bye Bye Blackheads
A Skin Brush
Scrubs and granulated products can be rather rough on the skin and irritate blackheads further. A skin brush provides exfoliation benefits that are more gentle and can be used with a variety of products. It is a good idea to use it once a week with an exfoliator in order to remove those dead skin cells. The rest of the week use the brush with your normal skincare product, a gentle face wash and this will assist in bacteria build-up and pore growth.
Using AHAs And BHAs
Blackheads require exfoliation to remove excess dead skin and often exfoliation can unclog those pores, although rare. Rather than using a harsh scrub an alpha or beta hydroxy acid scrubs are more suited. Glycolic acid is a common and known BHA. These are set to not only remove the top layer of skin but assist in aging and wrinkling at the same time. Be sure to only do this once or twice a week.
Say No To Pore Strips
These strips and extraction methods can help in removing junk, yes, but they also rid your skin of necessary elements that it relies on. Oils and hair follicles that should not be removed may be in this process. When this happens your skin feels it needs to produce even more oil, your skin dries out and you become oilier than normal. Extraction tools can also lead to scarring and further unnecessary irritation.